Friday, 25 January 2019

SB1 - Music PR chat with Patrick

Music PR

Is music PR a possible job that I could do within the music industry?

-skills, media and communication knowledge
-represent specific artists (maintain image)
-market artists work
-press releases (informal, passionate, flowery)
-arranging interviews
-travel with band
-organise artists lives
-less critical writing than journalism

Hall or Nothing (Gillian Porter) 

Polly Berkbeck and Rachel Hendy (Savage and Best)

Look at local:
Record Companies
Management Companies
Music PR Companies

Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield
PR at venues too

Record Companies
Hatch Records
Clue Records

Thursday, 24 January 2019

SB1 - Post Tom Attah Self Evaluation

Self Evaluation

After talking to Tom Attah I realised that I really had no idea what I want to do and that I needed to figure out who I am in and what I want to do so that I can position myself within the music industry correctly. 
I needed to research the industry in detail and start eliminating things.

SB1 - Interview with Tom Attah

Interview with Tom Attah

This chat really stressed me out. 
I don't know what I want to do. 
I don't have a band anymore and have not been doing the right things to become a singer myself, I don't think I even want to be. 
I enjoy being in a band but it was never with the ambition of making a living off it.

Might be a way into the industry as a performer?

Advice for band 'Badmash':
-Target venues and promoters and make it easy for them stating which type of bands you want to be paired with
-Get a few good tracks recorded and send them to BBC recording and sit in
-Keep copies of all music

Good books:
'Music Industry 4.1' by Owsinski

'How to make it in the new music business' by Ari Herstand (website

Create an identity as a person individually in the music world
Who am I?
What am I offering?

What exactly do I want to do??????????????????? Need to have some desired direction.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

SB1 - Project Coordinator job

This is the job that the promoter sent me.
I decided to apply because why not!
When writing the application I realised that these are skills that I do have, even though I lack direct experience.

Even though I didn't get the position they sent a lovely email back saying that there were over 100 submission and some people had an incredible amount of experience.
I conversed with them via email for a while about shadowing someone for a day just to get a feel of that kind of work but the person who would organise this was crap at replying even when pushed multiple times.

I am not disheartened though and have booked to go to a 'Music Industry day' as part of Live @Leeds which is organised by them.

Monday, 21 January 2019

SB1 - Lending Rooms Promoter Interview

I messaged this guy through playing gigs at Lending Rooms with my band. I found that I knew absolutely nothing but that he was super helpful and spent almost 2 hours talking me through the industry.

Lending Rooms Promoter Interview

His path into the industry

Studied studio and live sound and then transferred to music management degree.

Took over the management of his own band (Twisted Dolls)

Submitted his CV to anywhere music related (venues) around Manchester

Needed to intern in music promotion for uni so got an internship leasing with artists, booking shows, running gigs and marketing.
Good at monkey see, monkey do
Ended up working with Night & Day for 2 years.

With a course person ended up making a music promotion company. Lost a lot of money initially. 
*Start business with people who aren't your friends but that you have respect for*

Did another internship at a PR company. 
Started managing 3 bands (friends)

He ended up not sleeping...2 internships and a job and 3 bands.

Moved to Leeds because he got offered a part time job at the Library.

*More opportunities in Manchester, cheaper in Leeds*

His business parter started working an independent company where gig prices were high to pay staff
He worked at library where there weren't a lot of staff and gigs cost £5

Began working 10 hours for a venue in a mess in Preston.

Became full time manager at Lending Rooms
Had an assistant. Now is part of a 4 person team (2 part time intern people)

His job as promoter

Book bands (tend to book touring band to headline and 2 local bands)

Contact and sort art out
Marketing - posters, flyers, social media, press releases, mail lists
Sort accounts out
Calendar organisation of venue
Sound engineers
Research bands - 1300 new songs a week, reads DIY Magazine and Kerrang, radio and Spotify for bands on tour

Music Industry Sections

Live (Promoters, Assistants, Accounts, Market)

Record (Artist & Repertoire who scout for bands, Market, Producing, Account)
Booking Agents (to book a band you have to go Promoter-Agent-Manager-Band)


Get into the industry through FRIEND or FORCE. No main route in.

In Leeds there are 3 big promoters that monopolise everything and agents flock here.
Super Friendz (Headrow House and Belgrave)
Future Sounds (Wardrobe, Key Club)

Juggling lots of different things toughens you up. Working as a promoter is exhausting and frequently lose money but have to be able to deal with the hits.

Keep badgering. A NO isn't a NO until they tell you.

If working in big companies you need to be in the creative section for there to be a point
-around the process
-in the bubble things pop up 
-follow lots of promoters

Work as an intern and gain experience in the world. Email for internships (try not to be tied down to just Leeds)

Go to music industry panels

Apply for everything that you can. Sell yourself and exaggerate experience. 

Only work in creative bars where you can see the band and chat to people.

Always catch the band after a gig and get them on Facebook.

Illustration wise, send out blog to bands about to play and ask if they would be interested in my live artwork for £.

Grow a hard shell. People will only pay you if you have experience and are worth it.

Research jobs/apply through:

Look for words Junior and Assistant. Assistant get to talk to higher people and the progression is to then meet them in person

Monday, 14 January 2019

SB1 - Goals task


This session really made me begin to think/panic about what I want to do after I graduate and how little I know about the music industry and how/where I want to go from here!

Monday, 7 January 2019

SB1 - Context of work


Where does my work lie within the creative industry?
My artwork is very niche. Because it is linked to subjective responses to experiences it narrows the audience hugely!

- album artwork
- gig posters
- fan page artwork
- galleries/exhibitions
- prints and on sale items
- band merchandise (T-shirts, linked together)
- jewellery
- live within performance
- sending to the bands, reposted, used as promotion
- reflective of specific events and occasions (commissioned by? bought after?)
- working within the music industry from above?

Have a mixture of a secure job but also balancing creating artwork on the side. Will continue to want to create art work and report my experiences visually.