Saturday, 25 November 2017

Badmash single covers and posters

Badmash single covers and posters

I created these images by sitting down and looking at the lyrics to the songs and creating on image for each set of releases. I wanted them to be a collection and I wanted the band motif of spiral eyes to run throughout. I think they are a fun and quirky because of the colours, collage and simplicity. 

'Bitter'... using the typical imagery of a lemon but simplifying down key features and using eyes to almost make it look like the face of a clock

'Jaded' to do with the restrictions of time and how it can go fast and slow

'Pathetic Fallacy' to do with a break up with a line "it rained the day we met"

'Signature' This is our signature face. The floating drowning eyes are symbolic of being overwhelmed. Really simple and impacting

I wanted to keep the same aesthetic of collage and with the same colours, collating all of the different images into one design. From this we created our type face (through the paper-cut letters) which we can reuse and change the colours of in the future. It does look very hand made but DIY can be alluring and it was a good place to start as a first poster.

I learnt that when you print purple out, it doesn't really look like it does on screen. This meant that there were a few posters of varying hues of purple but that didnt matter because the posters wouldnt be next to eachother.

Because we set up the gig we were able to make tickets for the gig which will be a nice thing for the crowd to take home. These were nice to knock up because I already had the art work we just hadn't used it for anything

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