Tuesday, 26 February 2019

SB1 - Hanbury emails

Hanbury email role
Connie and I were in charge of contacting people to come to the event. From this lists created in class we spent a few hours going down the list and finding the appropriate emails for the suggestions. This proved harder than anticipated as many of the companies had website forms rather than email addresses to contact them. 
I was shocked by the response rate. We have sent 30+ emails and have only had 2 responses. Many of the emails have been bounced back (I guess because of a firewall) and we have had many processing emails.
I chose this role because I wanted to be involved in the organisational side rather than the creative side of the Symposium. Also when we chose the roles I was looking into music PR and felt that this could be a valuable experience to help build up the skills and experience needed.
It has ended up becoming very complicated. I don't think I have ever spent this long on emails. Not just the emails but getting informations off different people which means that you can't always do things when you want to if key pieces of information are missing like emails or all the questions etc...

Because me and Connie have been sharing the email account and saving things as drafts for each other to check there is a lot of tooing and frooing without completely knowing who is doing what. 
Also there are multiple people to hear back from and it is one thing sending out one email to multiple people but then you forget that they might email back individually with questions and suddenly you have lots of separate emails to keep track of! Here having 2 people is good but also confusing if you both reply to the same email or weren't the one having the previous conversation.
It also did feel a bit odd contacting them as the 57 rather than as Alex and Connie as it felt like we knew the people we contacted reasonably well but they had no idea it was us.

The 57 the57networking@gmail.com

email header.jpg

The 57

Saturday, 9 February 2019

SB1 - Gillian Porter Interview

Gillian Porter Interview
Hall or Nothing Music PR in London

The music industry is very different now than it used to be
Very online - social media and websites
PR isn't even quite PR anymore, its very much to do with marketing and promoting through facebook and twitter
Almost impossible to get into

What have I done that makes me stand out?
Why chose me?
Take initiative, do things for yourself

Get in touch with online websites and magazines to find out how they work
Research local writers and websites and make some connections
Do they want someone to review and offer services
Use my band as a lever and outlet (sadly the band is no more)
CONNECTIONS - reach out - who am I talking to

Who would I like to work for?
What magazines would I want to work for? (read some magazines)

Get into PR through contacts and luck
Traineeships are a good idea... will take a while before earning though

Maybe I don't want to do things in the music industry?
Maybe I just want music as a passion but have a separate job?
My band is breaking up and it very difficult trying to get into the industry without being in a band. Need to find another band!
Want to take a gap year and travel and experience lots of things. Maybe not worth stressing about the bigger picture now as my ideals might have changed/developed in a year and I may have found direction/had space.
Want to do music related things on my gap year, lots of little bits and experiences where I will meet people and be around the world and gain more physical direct experience that I already have.
Think I want to focus on planning smaller things for a while that excite me and are music related rather than stressing about the bigger picture right now.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

SB1 - Freelance


The idea of becoming a freelance illustrator isn't something that I can see myself doing. I can imagine picking up a few jobs here and there if they are of interest to me as reasons to be creating artwork and pushing myself after university but I imagine myself having a secure job. 

I think that I am someone who needs stability and the whole eb and flows of work is something my stress levels just could not cope with. 
I need structure and organisation in my life. Because of this I feel that I am very organised and can achieve a lot per day if I put my mind to it as I love cramming as many different things as I can into my weeks. This means that I definitely will be able to manage my music and dance passions along side mini visual projects and a job I hope.

What I possibly will struggle with will be the seeming professional when dealing with perhaps smaller or work for friends and still asking for money. 
The management of money is definitely something which worries me (which is still not a good concept to me as I struggle massively with numbers - dyslexia). 

The lack of support from people within the creative industry is going to be a big shock when we all graduate. My family are definitely not in the creative industry they will struggle with advice when dealing with professional problems and questions - definitely need to sign up to the AOI!

Monday, 4 February 2019

SB1 - Music blogs


Music Blogs

This is a leeds female orientated organisation promoting local music for women

This is a website with articles surrounding new and upcoming music including a range picks of the day

Somebodies blog about smaller artists music, with a few comments and a link so can listen whilst reading

Blog with lengthy articles about select new music which includes interviews

editors picks on new music. also have a journal. songs and albums with a paragraph review.

a documentary of lots of new music with a few sentences about each

blog about/with the bands playing at the lending rooms venue

I don't read blogs or magazines or newspapers. Do I need to change and start reading them for a job?

SB1 - Local PR agencies

Local PR agencies

High Row Music
Handpicked performers
Event bands

SLK Associates

There aren't many in Leeds... I guess it is all quite London based and I definitely do not want to move there... Perhaps there are more in the broader sense of Yorkshire?

Saturday, 2 February 2019

SB1 - PANEL TALK How to get your music out there?

How to get your music out there?
The Lending Rooms

This talk was really interesting. It wasn't completely related to the part of the industry that I was interested in however it was interested hearing about the different areas. It also was important applying what was being said from a different direction and hearing what people from the bands want to do and what the other positions look for.
Seems like a really difficult industry to become part of as EVERYTHING IS OFF PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS.

Shell Zenner (BBC introducing Produced for Leeds, Amazing Radio, Excess Manchester, Reviewer and choses singles to play)
Sarah Statham (DIY multi instrument performer, Bong the twist Label)
Nathan Clark (Brudenell Promoter)
Alan Raw (BBC Introducing Promoter, Drummer)

Where should you send your music?
Upload to multiple different stations eg Amazing Radio
Would my sound fit this station
BBC Introducing uploader
Local stations
Stations can send on to other places even if they don't play

How do you find the right scene?
Who sounds like all the different aspects of your music?
Being in a band is a lot less lonely
Get in touch with people in other bands that sound like you
Do you and let others decide
Don't pigeon hole yourself into one genre of music
At gigs ask who the promoters are and talk to them in person
Labels being in different categories is very old music industry. EVERYTHING IS RELATIONSHIP BASED

How do you become successful?
Figure out where you want to go and how you can achieve that - Plan your route
Do it yourself Sarah created her own DIY label at Chunk 
Looking at posters, contacting on social media, leaving promo, speaking to everyone on the way
RECOMMENDATIONS ARE A HUGE ELEMENT community endorsement is the strongest

What are stations looking for?
Common themes - melody, structure, dynamics, lyrics, movement, progression, spatiality
Play the best of that week
A window of whats going on
There is a lot of music with a lot of quality
Videos are pretty useless for stations
Firewalls block downloads
Put all profiles together
Just want to hear the tune

Pay to play?
Bad model
Target right areas

Labels and Agents?
They chose the bands they want to push next, through other bands that they endorse
Speak to people on merch stands to network and do a merch swap and keep in contact
Agents put bands forward on rosters
Character, Identity and Recording = ultimate package

Plugger and PR agents?
Radio stations get 22000 unread mail a day
Are they worth paying for? Are you at the stage where they are important? 
Could contact local stations and bloggers (WHO ARE LOCAL MUSIC BLOGGERS)
Good when you are ready to get to national level
PR are good when you have jobs and a finite amount of money so can afford
Peoples suggestions and recommendations are the most powerful