Tuesday, 26 February 2019

SB1 - Hanbury emails

Hanbury email role
Connie and I were in charge of contacting people to come to the event. From this lists created in class we spent a few hours going down the list and finding the appropriate emails for the suggestions. This proved harder than anticipated as many of the companies had website forms rather than email addresses to contact them. 
I was shocked by the response rate. We have sent 30+ emails and have only had 2 responses. Many of the emails have been bounced back (I guess because of a firewall) and we have had many processing emails.
I chose this role because I wanted to be involved in the organisational side rather than the creative side of the Symposium. Also when we chose the roles I was looking into music PR and felt that this could be a valuable experience to help build up the skills and experience needed.
It has ended up becoming very complicated. I don't think I have ever spent this long on emails. Not just the emails but getting informations off different people which means that you can't always do things when you want to if key pieces of information are missing like emails or all the questions etc...

Because me and Connie have been sharing the email account and saving things as drafts for each other to check there is a lot of tooing and frooing without completely knowing who is doing what. 
Also there are multiple people to hear back from and it is one thing sending out one email to multiple people but then you forget that they might email back individually with questions and suddenly you have lots of separate emails to keep track of! Here having 2 people is good but also confusing if you both reply to the same email or weren't the one having the previous conversation.
It also did feel a bit odd contacting them as the 57 rather than as Alex and Connie as it felt like we knew the people we contacted reasonably well but they had no idea it was us.

The 57 the57networking@gmail.com

email header.jpg

The 57

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