Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Mike Nicholson

Mike Nicholson (b.1962)
Offset lithography
Leeds University Library

A selection of books from Ensixteens bio auto-graphic series, an on going autobiography presented in the single section 'zone' format.

The photos are really rubbish and I apologise BUT I am not sure that I was even allowed to take photos.
Mike Nicholson is my friends lecturer who is a Fine Artist. It is interesting the cross overs between design and fine art, that both disciplines can create books. My interpretation of the differences are that illustrators communicate the message through portraying narrative in their imagery so that less type is needed. Rather than this fine art exhibition seemed to focus on the type and the messages within the writing with accompanying imagery.
However there are some really beautiful imagery portrayed through the conceptual writing "It reminds you there's value in the shapes drawn by a departed stranger in the condensation on a bus window". 
 I think it is interesting to see that he has chosen to use his handwriting. I understand that there are connotations that handwriting if very personal and almost takes the approachability out of the writing because it is not universal as everyone has different handwriting. However it adds a mindful and honest aesthetic to these books.
 He had also considered the layout of his exhibition. He chose a few of his favourite pages from his collection of Zines. My friend also said that he chose to put this page of a book underneath because apparently there are strong connections between his books and this skull book. I think this is too conceptual for me to understand because for me there is such a large contrast... However i suppose that they are both reflective on the meaning of life and the important things and thinking about purpose.
I think these mono prints are gorgeous! I don't understand what they have to do with the other books, however the colours and experimentation here are very effective. Now I have had my mono print induction I can appreciate how these have been made and have understanding behind the processes. They are sooooo striking!

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