With an online presence it is important that everything is visually insync with eachother.
I really enjoyed seeing all of my work combined together, collated all in one place. I feel a strong sense of achievement because I think it looks very professional. I will try and keep this updated.
This is something that I have had since 1st year at university. It has been really good adding to this over the years and records my different projects. It is quite diverse and doesn't only have final polished images on, also the development work. It is a way of reaching an audience in a relaxed way that a website doesn't do.
I have been tagging bands into all of the relevant images and getting good feedback from them.
One band asked to buy a painting. Most bands repost on their social media.
These are screenshots of Level 6 work.
Live Music Blog
I have been creating my own blog which documents my experience of bands. This began through COP this year where I went to lots of gigs and tried to rejuvenate my experience of seeing them.
I discovered that I liked both writing and articulating my experience as well as visualising it. This is something I have kept going and will forever more continue adding to. I will continue to build up a base of different bands and who knows where this might be useful...perhaps to prove passion when applying for music related jobs
I have been networking by sending my illustrations and a link to my blog to the different bands after the gigs.
I have had an Etsy account for 2 years now. Unfortunately I have only made 2 sales which is quite depressing. I haven't really done very much to advertise it mind. I seem to be much better at selling things in person. Especially with Tshirts, I have sold over 20 T-shirts through instagram, word of mouth and at Badmash gigs. I could improve how professional the photographs look to advertise the work I think.
I am glad that I have signed up for this. At the moment my account is quite bare because I haven't had experience to add to it but I can appreciate how useful it will be in the future to get myself out there and find/be found for jobs!
A more creative version of Linked In.
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