Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Study Task 2 - Examples of PP

Examples of Professional Practice

1. Ella Beckett

  • private sector
  • creative industry
  • fashion/textile design
  • freelance
  • retail/promotion- DEPOP/website http://ellabecket.bigcartel.com/
  • branding/identity "My aim is to make art wearable day to day through clothing and accessories"
  • London
  • Successful because I bought this pair of trousers (reasonably priced) and investigated her as an artist through seeing the leather jacket on DEPOP

2. Barry Patterson
  • private sector
  • advertising
  • digital design
  • product/packaging
  • graphic design
  • ended up hating the advertising industry so moved to the public sector where he works for the Open University as a Graphic Media Designer as part of a design team whilst still freelancing
  • http://www.barrypatterson.co.uk/

3. Alina Zamanova
-private sector
-for profit
- combines her illustration with fashion and photography
-fine art exhibitions
-Ukranian and Londoner
-promotion and branding
-retail and promotion through website/shop, instagram and linked in exhibitions
-low quantities (originals) and fashion so very expensive
-sucessful because international renown, had work shown in vogue multiple times
-"stay ugly" is her brand

4. Printed Peanut (Louise Lockheart)
-private sector
- for profit
-tertiary (sales and service)
-successful seen in multiple shops locally (Yorkshire sculpture park, salts mill, dean clough, Halifax piece hall)
-wide range of distributers
-riso prints and papercuts
- instagram , online website and shop, in physical and local shops
- freelance illustrator
-applies to a range of different products- illustration and textiles

5. Awesome Merchandise
-private sector
-for profit
-secondary and tertiary (manufactured and service)
- founded by a graduate who started by making badges and then got an order of 80,000 so turned into a business which is very popular and successful!
- hand produced products
-Thousands of orders every year
-offer a range of different merchandise (clothing, stickers, badges, calendars, postcards)
-will always be needed - promotional and personalised artwork will always exist and be in demand
-screen-print and digital print
-hire a team of staff based in Leeds
-online website only
- popular (first on google search)
- I have used them to create merchandise for my band (good value and good quality)

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