My own SWOT analysis
Possible Networks
- Try and contact the promoter from the Library pub and see if they need any band posters producing for bands that are performing (and our next Badmash gig)...
- Create posters for Bean Train Gang whenever we have different gigs
- Create different album artwork for the different Songs by Badmash (put them on Soundcloud when released) but also turn into a CD to sell/give away
Matthew Pritchett- Matt Cartoon
- He has a very recognisable visual language
- He is a household name -well known for 'Matt Cartoons'
- Subtle in communication (makes people think and learn around the topic)
- Amusing and funny imagery
- Very simple imagery...less=more
- Strong character design skills
- Ability to work at small scale
- Combines text and imagery well
- Black and White simple colour palette
- Had the same job for years and years so has build his name and had lots of time to refine
- Covers a wide range of topics ranging from social to political issues and important to petty dicussions
- All of the images have the same visual language - does this get boring to make and see?
- Not a collaborative artist
- Can he also make larger scale, detailed coloured imagery? Is he diverse?
- Being regularly in a newspaper results in HUGE exposure... millions of people will read the newspaper and see his images (somebody reading will have the need for his artwork)
- Gets to explore lots of topics and have his own opinions on each
- Not everyone will agree with the angles he takes on each topic - thats part of the job though (to communicate A view)
- Could be disliked by or offend some people and their views and lives
- People need to have a sense of humour and be light hearted to appreciate his art
- Yesterdays new is old news... although his visual language is memorable are any of his images? Are the forgotten about with the news?
- Tackles controversial issues
- Communicates his own political opinions
- Tackles issues which are divided across the country (not everyone will agree)
- In a Tory Newspaper (Telegraph) but engaging for people politically orientated towards the left too
- Artwork in newspaper which people buy
- Art also sold in books as well - collectable annuals
- Secured job as there is a section in the paper for him (has been for years)
- News is something which will always change and have new topics to explore
- News will always happen and people will always want to read it
- Tackles topics around the socio-politics of society and living
- Creates work that is relatable
- Creates work which is engaging and topical
- Artwork for newspapers
- These can now be analogue (printed) but also digital (websites, phones, ipads)
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